11th South American Symposium on Isotope Geology


Dear Participants

From the heart of South America, the organizers of the 11th SSAGI – Latin America (11th South American Symposium on Isotope Geology) welcome all participants and guests to Cochabamba Bolivia. The SSAGI is organized every two years, with the goal of providing a discussion of methods and applications of stable and radioactive isotopes in the Earth Sciences and the advances achieved in recent years, in this field of science.

The idea to organize a SSAGI in Bolivia was born in 2006 in Punta de Este, Uruguay but it was not until the 10th SSAGI at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico that it came into an agreement.

The symposium will take place during 3 days, including the participation of keynote speakers, plenary talks, as well as guest talks and numerous poster presentations with state-of-the-art topics in different fields of isotope geology.

We thank you all for your participation to convert the 11th SSAGI into an international symposium linking geoscientists from South America, North America, Europe and other countries of the world  in themes related to isotope geology.

We hope you will enjoy the meeting and have a pleasant stay in Bolivia.

Sincerely yours


The 11th SSAGI will be held from July 22nd to 25th, 2018, in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The most attractive touristic city in Bolivia, characterized by nice and spring weather in South America.

Cochabamba has an International Airport with excellent access by air and direct connections to a number of cities in South America.

The symposium will be held at Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo, Cochabamba.

3.    THEMES

v  Isotope evolution of Central Andes

v  Isotopes applied to ore genesis, minerals oil and gas

v  New isotope developments and applications

v  Geochronology and isotope geochemistry of sedimentary successions

v  Isotope applications in paleoclimatology

v  Low temperature chronology of geological processes

v  Isotopes in environmental geology

v  Geochronology of metamorphic and igneous processes.

v  Crustal and mantle evolution

v  General issues


Dr. Ramiro Matos Salinas

Ing. Dardo Barrientos Tilcara

Ing. Roberto Pérez Morales

Ing. Herbert Carlos  Chávez Flores

Ing. Iris Galarza Mauri

Dr. Stewart Redwood

Ing. Carlos Thompson Camacho

Dr. Wilfredo Ramos Collorana

Ing. Néstor Jiménez Chávez

Ing. Patricia Zoto Uzquiano

Ing. Gilberto Borja Navarro

Ing. Elena Gorinova

Ing. Serafina Delgadillo Ayala


This event will include oral and poster presentations in English, the official language of the symposium. Keynote speeches will be given by international geochronology specialists. Over 300 scientists are expected to participate in this event


Located at the entrance of the exhibition area of the Universidad Católica San Pablo where the pre-registered participants will pick-up their badges and materials. New and on site registrations must be done also here.


July 22nd            17:00 - 19:00 Icebreaker

July 23nd            09:00 – 19:00 First day of conference

July 24th            09:00 – 19:00 Second day of conference

July 25th            09:00 – 17:00 Third day of conference


Colegio de Geólogos de Bolivia

Edificio Señor de la Exaltación, between streets 1 and 2, Nº 4683

Phone: (591)(2) 275 1110 - Fax: (591)(2) 275 1110

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La Paz - Bolivia


Three field trips of one and three days are planned.

            I.        The Paleozoic and Mesozoic stratigraphic column of Cochabamba.

           II.        The alkaline basalts and ultramafic breccias related to the Mesozoic aborted rift.

         III.        The Cerro Rico of Potosí.

We encourage and invite people to attend field trips that will be organized; details will be provided in the Second Circular.



1.     First circular issued: September 2017

2.     Second Circular: January 2018

3.     Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 15th, 2018

4.     3rd and final circular: July 2018

5.     Symposium: July 22-25, 2018

6.     Post-symposium Field trips